Rosario Guzman

Rosb is IBON's executive editor and head of the Research Department. She is also a member of the IBON Board of Trustees.

Human rights in Asia: In the flashpoint of crisis and war

May 3, 2024

The onslaught of imperialism is relentless and brutal, and the sufferings of the working people are unimaginable.

5 marks of a crumbling democracy

July 20, 2023

The Marcoses personify the worst aspects of Philippine politics. And Marcos Jr is levelling up these anti-democratic features in the 21st century.

Agriculture deserves a competent leader

July 1, 2023

The Marcos Jr administration has not been looking at the stark reality of long-term agricultural decline. This chronic crisis deserves a full-time, competent and diligent leader.

The G7 summit: Will Hiroshima deliver the economic interests behind militarism?

May 19, 2023


What the G7 wants and the manner it exacts these are untenable and are only bound to hurt the majority of the world’s populations.

The world’s converging crises: How did we get here?

October 20, 2022

The world economy is faced with converging crises – high debt levels, food and fuel inflation, weakening currencies, and a climate emergency that makes the planet’s very future uncertain. It’s a perfect storm for everyone, but it is having a disproportionate impact on poor countries and their poor populations.

Of fake democracy and open dictatorship

November 2, 2021

How do we vote then in 2022? We need champions of human rights and social justice, an economy governed by the people for their needs and their prosperity, equality, sovereignty, and freedom from the shackles of neoliberalism and foreign dictates and from the control of the few.

Who is afraid of degrowth?
A Global South economic perspective

October 12, 2021

Environmental scientists, economists, academics and social movements have been talking about “degrowth” as an approach in dealing with the climate crisis. The concept makes perfect sense, but it has provoked doubts and objections, even among well-meaning environmentalists.

Rediscovering our traditional and indigenous knowledge in agriculture

September 15, 2021

To rediscover is such an apt word for our traditional and indigenous knowledge in agriculture – it is there, but we have gone through episodes of collective memory loss. Such loss can be directly traced to the rise of modern capitalism.

ODA for SDGs: Partnerships for whom?

August 5, 2021

Sustainable Development Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) is crucial as it defines the means of implementation and the global partnerships and cooperation that may have to be revitalized to realize the rest of the SDGs. One of the SDG 17 targets pertains to strengthening aid and financial resources, in particular official development assistance commitments. But why is ODA to the Philippines crowding into infrastructure?