Policy Note

Extend Preparation through a 6-month Bridge Period, and Postpone School Opening to January 2021

July 7, 2020


The EFD shares in the objective of ensuring the right and access to education of Filipino learners, and believes that learning should continue despite the pandemic. But we cannot support any rushed implementation without ensuring the maximum support to the three most important stakeholders – teachers, learners and parents.

There’s funding to respond to COVID-19 – the problem is at the top

April 9, 2020


The government can find the funding for COVID-19 response measures needed – on a scale many times over its Php275 billion program – if it genuinely wants to.

Dealing with COVID-19: Just reboot the economy?

March 30, 2020


The coronavirus pandemic and the expansive efforts to address it are new and unprecedented. But they also exposed many old problems that have always been there.