Sustainable development
A glimpse at the critical state of the Philippine environment
April 27, 2020
While nations attempt to meet the sustainable development goals, neoliberalism has spearheaded the unbridled destruction of the environment.
No to large dams: MWSS water security roadmap may cause more insecurity-WPN
September 26, 2018
The recent onslaught of Super Typhoon Ompong triggered the release of waters from big Luzon dams and caused flooding in low-lying areas. Water rights group Water for the People Network (WPN) said that because of this and other harmful effects on communities and livelihoods, the government should shift away from building large dams to more […]
Come to the People Economics IBON@40 Anniversary Bookshop Sale!
September 2, 2018
A three-day IBON Bookshop Sale themed Upholding People Economics in celebration of IBON@40 will run from September 3 – 7, 2018, from 9 AM to 5 PM. Guests can browse, read, engage in interactive discussion. The bookshop sale will feature Pep Talks on the pillars of people economics every 10-11am and 4-5pm to be led […]
IBON@40 People Economics Anniversary Week
September 2, 2018
You are cordially invited to IBON’s 40th year “Uphold People Economics” celebration this coming week of September 3-7 2018! For everyone – People Economics Bookshop Sale featuring Pep Talks on the 6 pillars of People Econ (Sept. 3-5, 2018, 9 AM- 5 PM). For IBON Foundation Members & Staff – IBON@40 Salo-salo (Sept. 6, 2018, […]
Over a million more underemployed, part-time workers under Duterte
May 1, 2018
The number of Filipino workers relegated to insecure and low-paying jobs have grown under the Duterte administration, said research group IBON. Latest official labor force data shows a higher number of employed under Pres. Duterte. The number of employed increased to 41.8 million in January 2018 from 39.3 million in the same period last year, […]
Global market-focused education wastes potential of Filipino labor — EFD
May 1, 2018
Filipino educators urge the Duterte government and all stakeholders to mark this year’s International Labor Day as a reminder of the importance of workers and human resources in achieving the country’s development, and how this can be guided only through a nationalist and progressive education system. The Educators’Forum for Development (EFD), a voluntary association of […]
Rio for People (IBON Facts & Figures excerpt)
April 22, 2018
The proposed “Road to Rio” is not a departure from the general framework of the same greedy system that has pushed the planet to the precipice of destruction. It still looks at nature, people and their products as capital that must be used in the most efficient manner for profit accumulation and capitalist expansion. It […]
Megadams: displacement looms
March 25, 2018
The Philippine government spearheaded Water Day 2018 celebrations themed “Nature for Water”. Water for the people advocates however note that the government’s big-ticket Build Build Build water and energy dams plans, aside from being unnecessary, could destroy lives and livelihoods. The New Centennial Water Source Kaliwa and Laiban Phases I and II and the Chico […]