2019 midterm elections

2019 midterm elections results: Harsher policies ahead

May 26, 2019

Administration-backed bets dominated the 2019 midterm elections especially in the Senate. The Duterte administration will certainly fast track its priority neoliberal policies as soon as the 18th Congress opens. It already used its super-majority in the 17th Congress to pass socioeconomic measures aggravating the country’s jobs crisis, poverty, and underdevelopment. More and harsher ones loom […]

Group challenges Senate: Stop Charter change

May 19, 2019

Research group IBON is challenging the succeeding Senate to prove its independence by rejecting the proposal to amend the 1987 Philippine Constitution or Charter change (Cha-cha). Lawmakers should keep in mind the dangers that Cha-cha poses on Philippine economic sovereignty, said the group, and not be swayed into passing other laws that fulfill the consistent […]

How do the senatoriables fare?: TRAIN LAW

March 22, 2019

WHO’S SCARED TO DEBATE THE TRAIN LAW? The TRAIN Law implemented since 2018 increased the tax burden on tens of millions of the poorest Filipinos while lowering taxes on higher income families including the country’s richest. Some lawmakers have reconsidered but others still defend the indefensible. Most aspiring senators are justifiably critical. Who’s who?

Fuel prices cheaper than in 2018 if not for TRAIN

February 14, 2019

Research group IBON said that the fuel prices would be cheaper now than in 2018 without the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law. The group said that TRAIN’s additional excise taxes have prevented Filipinos from feeling the benefits of lower global oil prices. Filipinos face even higher prices with the implementation of the […]