Charter change for development? (Excerpt from IBON Facts & Figures)
May 25, 2018
The latest call for changes in the Philippine Constitution or Charter is the latest among the many attempts, in more than a decade since the 1990s, seeking to remove the Charter’s nationalist and other progressive economic provisions. Widepsread protests and outright resistance from various sectors however deterred legislators from pursuing the changes. Those who are […]
RCEP: Giving Up Sovereignty and Development
September 4, 2017
IBON Foundation Statement for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Stakeholder Consultation Interface with DTI and Key Agencies Manila, September 4, 2017 IBON welcomes this opportunity to interact with the DTI and key agencies on their negotiations for the Philippines on the RCEP. We look forward to hearing from our country’s negotiators. We also continue to […]