digital rights
The Long Game of Development (3)
December 8, 2024
We can’t neglect the most important strategy of democratic mass mobilizations to shift the balance of power and policies towards the majority.
The Long Game of Development (2)
December 8, 2024
From the 18th century and the first industrial revolution, how much have great leaps in technologies really contributed to fixing social underdevelopment? The expanding poverty and vulnerability of billions of people gives an answer.
The Long Game of Development
December 8, 2024
The current era remains fundamentally neoliberal in essence, agenda and practice – state power over the economy is still systematically wielded for the benefit of a few. In particular, the so-called market reforms that have made capitalist elites so prosperous remain in place.
Slow internet speed
March 16, 2018
In Asia Pacific, the Philippines has the second slowest average connection speed and the third slowest average peak connection speed. To illustrate, the Internet speed in South Korea is more than seven times the average Internet speed in the Philipines. Singapore’s peak connection speed is five times the Philippine Average. #BetterDigitalWorld Read:
People-centered development vital for consumer rights
March 16, 2017
Prior to #WorldConsumerRightsDay, Filipino consumers including those for a #BetterDigitalWorld converged in a forum, expressed their woes and aspirations and vowed to continue working for #SocialEconomicChange Various consumer groups gathered in a conference last Monday in Quezon City to tackle the social and economic reforms needed to promote consumer welfare. The event participants recognized the […]