fuel taxes

6 consecutive weeks of oil price hikes burden Filipinos
August 15, 2023
Government can make oil products cheaper for Filipinos and moderate the snowball effect on the price of other goods and services by removing fuel taxes.

Gov’t can mitigate oil price hikes by scrapping fuel taxes
August 8, 2023
The Marcos Jr administration can moderate the impact of oil price hikes on millions of Filipinos by scrapping excise and value-added taxes for petroleum products.

Dubai crude trigger price to suspend TRAIN oil taxes already reached, IBON observed
October 4, 2018
The government is already obliged to start considering suspension of its oil excise taxes as provided for under the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law, said research group IBON. The group said that oil prices have in effect already reached the trigger price for suspending excise taxes as provided in Republic Act 10963 or […]