national capital region

NCR Family Living Wage as of January 2024
February 8, 2024

Worker productivity goes to profits, not wages
October 26, 2018
“A large wage hike is also justified by growing worker productivity. Between 2009 and 2017, labor productivity in NCR grew by 35% from Php456,059 per worker to Php614,297. However, that same period, the real value of the mandated minimum wage only increased by 11% and of ADBP by 16%, both measured in real terms at […]

Substantial wage hike possible in NCR
October 26, 2018
“NCR firms have more than enough profits to support a Php238 minimum wage hike. The latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority’s (PSA) Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) reports that NCR firms (with 20 and over employees) had combined profits of Php903 billion in 2015 while giving an average daily basic pay […]
The NCR Minimum Wage vs The Family Living Wage (September 2018)
October 17, 2018