Oil Deregulation Law
The scourge of price hikes
April 16, 2022
Prices keep rising, cash subsidies are limited, and real wages keep falling. The situation will not get better if the government does not acknowledge that the rampant jobs crisis and worsening poverty are huge problems that require big solutions.
Suspending TRAIN oil taxes will lower oil prices and ease inflation—IBON
October 23, 2021
Suspending oil excise taxes, can ease the burden of rising prices on ordinary Filipinos, and revenue losses can be compensated by suspending corporate tax cuts. These can be the start of a more progressive tax system and a prelude to better regulation and control over the country’s oil industry.
Govt will needed to enforce oil price unbundling – IBON
June 29, 2019
Research group IBON said that the Department of Energy (DOE) circular ordering oil companies to unbundle prices is a welcome and overdue measure for greater transparency to help prevent overpricing of oil products. However, the government must have the political will to implement this and the involvement of the public and consumer groups must be […]
Oil Deregulation Begets Overpricing; TRAIN Aggravates It
January 16, 2019