Rail Transport Privatization
LRT-MRT fare hike: ‘User pays’ principle not applicable for public utilities – IBON
January 8, 2015
User pays’ is a neoliberal principle which means that government will no longer be responsible in making sure that the LRT/MRT is accessible and affordable to commuters The “user pays” principle in transportation service pricing cited by the Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC) for the LRT-MRT fare hike should be rejected. According to research […]
LRT 1: A showcase of PPP’s flaws
October 28, 2014
Sed varius justo in elit mollis molestie. Etiam id ligula at tellus placerat imperdiet. Donec fermentum hendrerit libero, a pellentesque mi. Donec placerat lacinia congue.
LRT sweet deals, public shortchanged
June 9, 2014
Ut arcu odio, sollicitudin a lobortis vitae, scelerisque id ante. Sed venenatis mi nulla, non eleifend velit viverra ut. Fusce arcu nunc, tincidunt a elementum sit amet, ornare quis nibh.