right to education
PH government misleading UN on state of social and economic rights
November 12, 2022
The Philippine government grossly misleads the United Nations Human Rights Council about the state of social and economic rights in the country in the report it belatedly submitted for the 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review, according to the Philippine UPR Watch network.
The IBON 2018 Planner: Why Support Community Schools?
December 22, 2017
Society is their book; and the people, their teachers The Save Our Schools Network (SOS) unites right to education advocates supporting community-established Mindanao schools. The schools have been under attack by State forces resulting in various civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights violations against children, their teachers and families. During the first-ever national conference […]
Gov’t urged to keep Lumad schoolchildren safe, order military to leave schools alone (Letter to Editors)
August 4, 2017
We, members of the Educators’ Forum for Development, are alarmed at Pres. Rodrigo Duterte’s order to “bomb Lumad schools”. The administration also staunchly defends the extension of Martial Lawin Mindanao which has further disrupted Lumad schools. The safety of the Lumad schoolchildren will only be secured with the immediate withdrawal of the military from […]
Amid upped military operations, educators reiterate call to save IP schools
March 23, 2017
In the aftermath of the Fourth Mindanao-Wide Conference of the Save our Schools (SOS) Network, transformative education group Educators Forum for Development (EfD) said that the Duterte administration should stop continuing attacks against indigenous people (IP)’s alternative schools. The EfD echoed calls by the SOS Network for military troops to halt operations in and pull […]
Filipinos denied economic, social and cultural rights
December 11, 2016
One thing underscored as the nation retackles the Marcos dictatorship is its legacy of neoliberal policies which, far beyond even its huge corruption or ammassed debt, still impacts on the Filipino people’s lives and livelihoods today. Subsequent administrations’ adherence to these policies has kept the Philippine economy backward and underdeveloped while serving the needs […]