
Jobs created mostly poor and quality work

May 15, 2023

The overwhelming number of “jobs created” are merely self-employment and informal work, and domestic work — accounting for 4.3 million or 71.3% of net employment

The State of Filipino Employment Informality

April 29, 2023

Most Filipinos are so poor and lacking savings that they can’t afford to be unemployed. But there are so little regular formal jobs available that the overwhelming majority struggle with self-employment, informal work, or irregular jobs in informal establishments.

The Duterte Legacy of Poor-Quality Work

February 16, 2022

The Duterte government claims strong employment creation signalling economic recovery. But with most jobs in merely part-time, low-paying and insecure work, Filipinos are really just making do and their lives aren’t better off.

Ayuda urgent as jobs crisis worsens from govt’s failed lockdowns, response

June 10, 2021

Latest labor force data confirm that the jobs situation is still much worse than before the pandemic. Government’s over-reliance on destructive lockdowns to contain the coronavirus is ineffective and only causes unnecessary economic distress for tens of millions of Filipinos. At the very least, immediately providing substantial ayuda grows more urgent by the day.