sustainable development goals

In 2021: Poorest Regions, Least Healthworkers

April 19, 2023

The country’s health worker distribution for 2021 showed none of the regions met the SDG recommended ratio of 44.5 HRH per 10k population. Furthermore, it exposed health worker disparity in poorer regions, making health care less accessible to Filipinos who may need it more.

ODA for SDGs: Partnerships for whom?

August 5, 2021

Sustainable Development Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) is crucial as it defines the means of implementation and the global partnerships and cooperation that may have to be revitalized to realize the rest of the SDGs. One of the SDG 17 targets pertains to strengthening aid and financial resources, in particular official development assistance commitments. But why is ODA to the Philippines crowding into infrastructure?

People’s Review of SDG 1 & 10: Regressive gov’t policies hinder poverty, inequality eradication

July 7, 2021

Concerned groups and advocates held a forum to review and discuss the Philippine government’s progress in meeting by 2030 Sustainable Development Goals 1 and 10 on eradicating extreme poverty and reducing inequality. But the SDGs will not be achieved in the country as long as the government refuses to adopt progressive policies that bring about real development and pushes neoliberal policies that benefit the few.

Aid for profit undermines development

December 5, 2016

Official development aid (ODA) is increasingly becoming a tool to support private profits rather than people-centered development. This indicates the persistence of the neoliberal ways that prevent aid from meaningfully contributing to national development. The Second High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) recently held in Nairobi, Kenya, concluded with a […]