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World Bank tax help unwelcome
September 20, 2016
Research group IBON said that the World Bank’s recent offer to assist the Department of Finance (DOF) with its tax reform plan, although not surprising, is unwelcome news. The World Bank with twin global financial pillar International Monetary Fund (IMF) has long been at the forefront of designing the Philippines’ regressive tax system, including providing […]
DOF tax reforms relieve rich while burdening poor–IBON
September 5, 2016
Research group IBON said that the Department of Finance’s (DOF) proposed tax reform program relieves the rich and burdens the poor. The group said that this will worsen inequality in the country and should be replaced by a tax program that taxes the rich instead and is backed with the required political will. The DOF […]
TAX GANERN! DOF’s Tax Reforms Tax the Poor and Relieve the Rich (Part 1)
September 2, 2016
by Sonny Africa (First of Two Parts) The Department of Finance (DOF) will submit a tax policy reform program to Congress in September. The administration’s economic managers are using Pres. Rodrigo Duterte’s current popularity to push an unpopular pro-rich neoliberal tax agenda. The proposed program lowers the tax burden on the rich and on big […]