6 out of 10 Filipinos Believe Poll Automation Program could lead to failure of elections

May 5, 2010

by superadmin

64% believe that the automation program could fail and lead to electoral failure | Reference: Rosario Guzman

Majority of Filipinos believe that the poll automation program will fail and can possibly lead to a failure of elections, results of the latest IBON nationwide survey shows.

Of the 88.5% respondents who are aware of poll automation, 64% believe that the automation program could fail and lead to electoral failure.

IBON conducted its nationwide survey before fears of election failure intensified early this week. Some of the poll machines failed test runs in some parts of the country, prompting calls to the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to recall the machines.

The April 2010 nationwide survey was conducted on April 9-18 among 1,501 respondents. The April 2010 survey used a multi-stage probability sampling scheme and has a margin of error of plus or minus three percent. (end)

Below is the tabulation of results on the respondents’ perception on the poll automation program.

Are you aware of the Commission on Election’s (COMELEC) implementation of the poll automation program in the upcoming 2010 elections?


October 2009 January 2010 April 2010
Yes 88.50 % 85.35 % 88.54 %
No 10.63 % 14.31 % 10.79 %
No Answer .87 % .33 % .67 %
Total 100 % 100 % 100 %


In your opinion, is there a chance that the poll automation program would fail and consequently lead to failure of elections?


April 2010
Yes 64.11 %
No 8.43 %
Don’t know 26.94 %
No Answer 0.53 %
Total 100.00 %
