Xandra Liza C. Bisenio

Xands heads IBON's Media and Communications Department.

Multi-layered prison walls, then and now

September 13, 2022

Political detention today is indeed very much a continuation and symptom of social and economic deterioration accelerated by Marcos’ elitist neoliberal governance in the ’70s and ’80s. The struggle of various people’s organizations and advocates then continues today in battles on the streets and legislative halls and in the cities and the countryside.

Pressure point

May 30, 2022

The government’s trademark has been to obscure the truth, peddle its own version of reality, and go on ahead with its most-often carefully thought-out programs that make the local and foreign super-rich happy. The newly-proclaimed leaders of the land made it clear that they’re not changing that.

May magagawa!

March 18, 2022

A peace challenge

December 20, 2021

How far are politicians currently running for office really willing to go for peace based on justice?

Initializing urban farming

October 23, 2021

IBON and the Asuncion Perez Memorial Center Inc. have been setting up urban farms in Metro Manila. These community gardens in the city are inspired by the rural Bungkalan.

We will green more backyards

October 16, 2021

From idle or sweat-and-blood-stained rural land
greened by united farmers’ hands
To urban Church grounds, factory belts,
mass housing patches, informal decks,
Add to the school plots, herb and vegetable walls,
rooftops and flowerbeds,
We are greening more backyards.

Green beginnings

September 1, 2021

As relocatees, struggling families, church groups and as disabled persons, these communities are determined to grow food in the backyard or in shared lots regardless of size. This will not only bring food to the table. In time and with due perseverance, selling and sharing of produce may be possible.

EO 130: Much fuss about paltry gains

April 26, 2021

The Duterte government with its EO 130 continues to argue for the reckless exploitation of the country’s vast mineral wealth for other countries’ corporate gains and industrial benefits. This makes the projected gains from large-scale mining even paltrier than they already are. We are giving up the non-renewable resource, the Philippines’ huge potential to industrialize, for nothing.

Charter change compromises Philippine economy

January 12, 2021

Pursuing economic Cha-cha in the middle of a public health crisis and unprecedented economic decline smacks of putting vested interests first over squarely addressing the urgent need to create and save jobs, incomes and small businesses.