Social and Economic Reforms

Earth Day 2017 | Four towns and an Apple: Mining and environmental plunder
April 22, 2017
By Glenis Balangue A day before Earth Day, technology giant Apple made a bold claim. Blamed time and again for its role in sustaining the highly destructive mining industry, Apple said it plans to stop using minerals and metals for its famed iPhones and Macs. In its 2017 Environmental Responsibility Report, Apple said that to […]

DO 174 no solution to contractualization–IBON
April 21, 2017
As the debate on contractualization continues towards Labor Day, research group IBON stated that the Department of Labor and Employment’s (DOLE)’s Department Order (DO) 174 is only an affirmation of the anti-worker practice of contractualization. Despite workers’ demand and President Duterte’s marching order to end all forms of contractualization, the DOLE’s promotion of the “win-win solution” […]

Ensure Luisita distribution to show resolve in land reform, peace – IBON
April 18, 2017
IBON today urged the Duterte administration to ensure the distribution of the Hacienda Luisita and provide support services to farmers to show its resolve in firming up free land distribution as the basic principle of genuine agrarian reform during the last round of peace talks with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). The […]

Ways to Peace
April 9, 2017 Concrete steps to social and economic reforms become ever more urgent amid raging, widespread landlessness, poverty, joblessness and inequality. It is free land distribution, a strong domestic industry and expanded social services that will certainly benefit millions of Filipinos.

“Firmed up” agreement on free land distribution a positive step towards a CASER, peace–IBON
April 7, 2017
Research group IBON today said that the “firmed up” agreement of government and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) on distribution of land for free as the basic principle of genuine agrarian reform is a positive step towards the forging of a Comprehensive Agreement on Social and Economic Reforms (CASER) and ending […]

Way to peace: Finalize deal on social and economic reforms – IBON
April 5, 2017
Research group IBON welcomed the resumption of talks between the National Democratic Front (NDFP) and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), now on its fourth round. Finalizing a key agreement on social and economic reforms to address poverty is a big step towards peace, said the group. IBON stressed that poverty, which […]