
Duterte’s 8-point economic agenda business as usual
May 14, 2016
The 8-point economic agenda of presumptive president Rodrigo Duterte is an elitist neoliberal agenda, research group IBON said. It is good for big business at the expense of the majority of Filipinos and long-term national development. Its “business as usual” belies the clamor for change and, in repeating Aquino-era policies that drove this clamor for […]

On imminent win: Duterte challenged to take first real steps as pro-people President
May 10, 2016
Research group IBON said that, if elected, 2016 national elections frontrunner Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte would have risen to the presidency on a surge of frustration with traditional politics and chronic economic backwardness. The clamor for change deserves economic policies biased for the poor and the national economy and that break from the failed […]

Reject LRT-1 fare hike and junk PPP deal, IBON urges next admin
May 9, 2016
#BeyondElections2016 | As millions of voters troop to polling precincts to choose the country’s next political leaders, research group IBON Foundation urged whomever the new President will be to reject the fare hike being sought by the private operator of the Light Rail Transit Line 1 (LRT 1). The group added that the new administration […]

Anyare? Economic decline since Marcos
May 5, 2016
The Marcos dictatorship started the Philippines on a path of economic decline that remains until today. This has already had the worst consequences for tens of millions of Filipinos across two generations. Unless corrected, it will burden generations to come. The Philippine economy’s decline since the 1980s is commonly attributed to the Marcos regime’s corruption […]

Worst jobs crisis by far: Job creation down; 24 million employed in poor quality work under Aquino
April 30, 2016
#BeyondElections2016 | Research group IBON said that while the Philippines saw growth, increasing corporate profits, investor confidence and international media hype under the Aquino administration, less new jobs were created, joblessness remains high, and the quality of work has worsened. Falling job creation under the incumbent administration has resulted in the most unemployed, underemployed, discouraged […]
Quisque vel sollicitudin dolor mollis blandit laoreet
April 5, 2014
Sed varius justo in elit mollis molestie. Etiam id ligula at tellus placerat imperdiet. Donec fermentum hendrerit libero, a pellentesque mi. Donec placerat lacinia congue.
Signal find poses new questions
April 5, 2014
Duis sagittis auctor est, faucibus ullamcorper mi tellus enim, rutrum sed commodo vel, tempus a sapien. Cras metus mi, ornare eget tempus sed, congue sed arcu.
Midyear Birdtalk
July 10, 2010
The IBON Birdtalk is a semi-annual forum on economic and political assessments and trends. It presents alterhative information on the current economic and political situation as well as analysis from the people’s point of view. The July 15 session is intended for people’s organizations, non-government organizations, religious and business sectors. Meanwhile, July 16 is intended […]