
PH Wealth and Income Inequality

October 31, 2018

It is not yet a severe economic crisis as such but the accumulation of economic bad news is worrying. It is clear that the fundamentals are unsound and the economy is weakening aside from increasingly vulnerable to a political upheaval or to a renewed global downturn. The majority of Filipinos are poor and gained little […]

Further imperiling Philippine rice

October 29, 2018

The government’s accelerated move to impose rice tariffs and lift quantitative restrictions on rice imports is touted to ease inflation. It comes with a heavy price in the long-term, however, as it puts in peril the livelihood of millions of Filipino rice farmers. Amid runaway inflation triggered by its regressive tax reform program, the Duterte […]

Worker productivity goes to profits, not wages

October 26, 2018

“A large wage hike is also justified by growing worker productivity. Between 2009 and 2017, labor productivity in NCR grew by 35% from Php456,059 per worker to Php614,297. However, that same period, the real value of the mandated minimum wage only increased by 11% and of ADBP by 16%, both measured in real terms at […]

Substantial wage hike possible in NCR

October 26, 2018

“NCR firms have more than enough profits to support a Php238 minimum wage hike. The latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority’s (PSA) Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) reports that NCR firms (with 20 and over employees) had combined profits of Php903 billion in 2015 while giving an average daily basic pay […]

Decade of 7% PH Growth: It’s Just A Fantasy

October 18, 2018

By Sonny Africa In a speech before leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Bali, Indonesia, Pres. Rodrigo Duterte said that the country is on an “upward trajectory of growth”. He was echoing the country’s economic managers who were recently touting a recovery of Philippine economic growth to the 7-8% target next […]

Bolder measures beyond suspension of fuel excise needed—IBON

October 16, 2018

The Duterte administration’s announcement that it will suspend the next round of fuel excise taxes will not lower current high prices and at best only lessens TRAIN’s inflationary impact next year, research group IBON said. It is however a welcome admission of the inflationary impact of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law, […]

IBON — Php238 NCR wage hike doable without worsening inflation

October 11, 2018

As the Metro Manila regional wage board deliberates a minimum wage hike for later this month, research group IBON said that a much-needed Php238 minimum wage increase is possible and need not be inflationary. Millions of Filipino workers including in the National Capital Region (NCR) are burdened by high prices of goods and services. The […]

Inflation worsening: Gov’t should act fast as households’ incomes hemorrhage

October 5, 2018

Research group IBON said that inflation has not tapered off as government projected but has accelerated in September, highlighting government’s continued neglect in addressing rapidly rising prices of goods and services. The group said that government continues to push failed neoliberal measures, while feigning concern for Filipino families struggling with a quickly falling purchasing power. […]

Dubai crude trigger price to suspend TRAIN oil taxes already reached, IBON observed

October 4, 2018

The government is already obliged to start considering suspension of its oil excise taxes as provided for under the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law, said research group IBON. The group said that oil prices have in effect already reached the trigger price for suspending excise taxes as provided in Republic Act 10963 or […]