Bayanihan to Recover as One Act

Faster inflation underscores urgency of new cash subsidies — IBON

February 5, 2021


As prices continued to soar amid a collapsing economy as of January, there is immediate need for the Duterte administration to provide substantial aid to the poorest Filipino households.

IBON Executive Director on Bayanihan 2 and CREATE

November 27, 2020

#MalalangEkonomiya #MayMagagawa #PeopleEconomics

IBON executive director on Pres. Duterte signing Bayanihan 2

September 11, 2020

TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE: IBON executive director Sonny Africa on Pres. Duterte finally signing Bayanihan 2 Act over 2 1/2 weeks after being passed by Congress and over 2 1/2 months after Bayanihan 1 expired