COVID-19 response package
Spending like normal during the very abnormal pandemic crisis
September 16, 2021
IBON Executive Director on the Duterte administration’s infrastructure delusion on display at Sulong Pilipinas forum
April 26, 2021
IBON Executive Director on the Duterte administration’s infrastructure delusion on display at Sulong Pilipinas forum
Big stimulus bill prioritizing aid more urgent than easing foreign restrictions–IBON
April 18, 2021
Every additional COVID-19 response measure over the meager amounts allotted by the administration will help the country get out of this crisis faster, whereas bills expanding foreign businesses’ profit-making will not be of any help at all.
CREATE bill not a stimulus-IBON (Philippine Star)
June 19, 2020
Less than 1/3 of 18M beneficiaries reached: Gov’t should expedite socioecon response under extended lockdown
April 8, 2020
Nearly four weeks into the government’s military lockdown and especially with the two-week extension, emergency relief measures are still too slow and too small.
Dealing with COVID-19: Just reboot the economy?
March 30, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic and the expansive efforts to address it are new and unprecedented. But they also exposed many old problems that have always been there.
COVID-19 emergency powers: Too much, not enough
March 24, 2020
There is reason to be skeptical about more powers for the president. It’s nearly two months since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the country and what government has done with the powers it already has is not encouraging.
COVID-19 Php297 billion urgent socioeconomic relief for the most vulnerable Filipinos
March 23, 2020
For now, the most urgent matter is to ensure that every Filipino is protected hence these proposed socioeconomic relief measures.