No government stimulus

January 7, 2021

Cash subsidies for poorest households urgent as inflation reaches 21-month high

January 5, 2021

In the face of soaring prices, joblessness and meager incomes, emergency cash subsidies for the poorest Filipinos and support for small businesses need to be increased substantially. Distribute Bayanihan 2 cash assistance immediately, and a new cash subsidy program to cover several millions of vulnerable citizens should be drawn up.

Capitalism Upon COVID-19

December 25, 2020

Analysis | The planet’s richest 30 billionaires now own more than the poorest four billion people or over half of the world’s population combined. The world economy is ending 2020 on a bleak note for billions of the working people everywhere.

Where do we go from here?

December 13, 2020

BIRD FEED | Thinking how so many other families may not have the choice how to go about all the health protocols, much less put food on the table with their meager and uncertain incomes, is troubling.

Surviving surgery in the middle of COVID-19

December 13, 2020

BIRD FEED | COVID-19 has overloaded the country’s healthcare system in a major way. But the government has been touting that the country’s active COVID cases are going down and that the healthcare system is unloading. But what was it like having a family member who needed minor life-changing surgery amid this pandemic?

Duterte gov’t fails to meet its human rights obligations amid the pandemic

December 10, 2020


The country’s poorest and most marginalized are being left behind by the COVID-19 response of the Duterte administration. On the other hand, wealthy creditors are protected and large corporations including foreign investors are getting their profits boosted.

CREATE is for big business more than MSME’s

November 26, 2020

The Duterte administration doesn’t really care to stimulate the economy and is still taking care of big business instead of the economy or the people.

IBON Executive Director on Bayanihan 2 spending

November 24, 2020

Lawmakers are eyeing the extension of Bayanihan 2 until a COVID-19 vaccine is available. Does this fix the law? At the same time, the economic managers have rejected any Bayanihan 3.