daily minimum wage

Minimum Wage vs Family Living Wage Per Region, as of December 2023

January 12, 2024

Despite slower December 2023 inflation, Filipino’s wages and incomes are not enough to cope with costs of goods and services.

Minimum wage vs family living wage per region as of October 2023

November 7, 2023

Inflation reportedly eased in October 2023, but Filipinos’ wages and incomes still have not been keeping up with the price increases.

NCR Family Living Wage as of October 2023

November 7, 2023

Inflation reportedly eased in October 2023, but Filipinos’ wages and incomes still have not been keeping up with the price increases.

Minimum wage vs family living wage per region as of September 2023

October 5, 2023

Even with the recent wage hike approvals in some regions, the nominal minimum wage falls below the living wage for a family of five to meet their basic needs.

NCR Family Living Wage as of September 2023

October 5, 2023

Amid faster September 2023 inflation, the NCR Php610 nominal minimum wage falls is not enough to keep up with the Php1,186 FLW for a family of five with a wage gap of 49% or Php576.

IBON — Php238 NCR wage hike doable without worsening inflation

October 11, 2018

As the Metro Manila regional wage board deliberates a minimum wage hike for later this month, research group IBON said that a much-needed Php238 minimum wage increase is possible and need not be inflationary. Millions of Filipino workers including in the National Capital Region (NCR) are burdened by high prices of goods and services. The […]

TRAIN-driven rising cost of living makes wage hike urgent

July 9, 2018

Research group IBON said that tax-driven inflation is making the meager wages of poor Filipinos fall even further behind the rising cost of living. The group said this makes it even more urgent for the government to immediately raise wages even as it revisits the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law behind the […]

Working Filipino’s real wage, purchasing power weakening under Duterte

April 25, 2018

Research group IBON said that accelerating inflation is rapidly eroding the real wage and purchasing power of minimum wage earners in the National Capital Region (NCR). Real wages show the actual value of wages after these are adjusted for inflation. After almost two years in power, the Duterte administration has only raised the minimum wage […]