debt crisis

National government outstanding debt as of May 2023

July 7, 2023

The national government outstanding debt has reached Php14 trillion and the Marcos Jr administration has the highest monthly average increase in outstanding debt compared to the past administrations.

National government outstanding debt as of May 2022

July 18, 2022

The country’s outstanding debt has hit record-levels. Did the pandemic really cause this or was this due to government’s policy missteps?

The 2021 Yearstarter Birdtalk

January 16, 2021

There’s certainly much we can do to make sure that 2021 is better.

National Government Outstanding Debt

October 12, 2020


DEBT IS SOARING. The Bureau of the Treasury recently reported that national government’s outstanding debt reached Php9.6 trillion as of August 2020. This isn’t the end of it though, as debt is projected to reach Php10.2 trillion by the end of 2020, then Php12 trillion in 2021, and Php13.7 trillion in 2022.

Duterte’s Pandemic Borrowing

June 30, 2020

The Duterte administration’s foreign borrowing has continued to rise during the pandemic. How much is really to respond to COVID-19, and how much for debt-driven growth and the illusion of development?

2018 Yearender: Are You High? The Economy Isn’t

December 31, 2018

by Sonny Africa Executive Director, IBON Foundation The Duterte administration’s economic managers made some odd statements as the year wound up. Economic planning secretary Ernesto Pernia said “the Philippine economy became stronger and even more resilient than ever”. Finance secretary Carlos Dominguez III insisted on “the soundness of the Duterte administration’s economic development strategy”. Bangko […]