economic recovery

IBON Executive Director on the 2021 3rd quarter GDP growth
November 9, 2021

Spending like normal during the very abnormal pandemic crisis
September 16, 2021

Why spend more on military and police than small businesses and farmers?
September 16, 2021

2022 budget stalls recovery, worsens inequality
August 23, 2021
Government’s proposed 2022 national budget is the second budget in a row that fails to respond to the pandemic. The Duterte administration is not spending enough on economic stimulus, health, ayuda, and small businesses which are the most important things to recover quickly and stop worsening deprivation. The economic managers’ misguided fiscal conservatism is counterproductive and needs urgent correction.

Q2 rebound isn’t recovery, will fade without real stimulus – IBON
August 10, 2021
The positive second quarter growth in gross domestic product is only a rebound from the record economic collapse in the same period last year. It is not a sign of recovery gaining traction.

June labor force survey confirms economy not recovering despite reopening
August 3, 2021
The latest labor force survey (LFS) shows how far away the economy is from recovering without real fiscal stimulus. Job generation is hollow with a bloating informal sector and huge contraction in full-time work. These will worsen with the looming ECQ which will push millions of Filipinos into deeper economic distress.

Negative econ growth underscores jobs crisis – IBON
May 12, 2021
The first quarter 2021 economic performance is the clearest proof that government hype of employment surpassing pre-pandemic levels are hollow. The quality of work is deteriorating and the number of unemployed is higher compared to a year ago.

On the first quarter 2021 GDP growth: Govt missteps stalling real PH recovery
May 12, 2021
The government claims to be balancing health and economic concerns. The first quarter economic contraction, however, confirms that we are instead getting the worst of both worlds – economic losses and human suffering.

IBON Research Head on need for real stimulus, not Cha-cha
February 22, 2021