food insecurity

PH food insecurity worsening to among highest in region underscores multiple gov’t failures – IBON

October 16, 2024


The Philippines having the third worst incidence of severe and moderate food insecurity in Southeast Asia shows the Marcos Jr administration’s failure on multiple development fronts.

Food insecurity in Southeast Asia

October 16, 2023

There are 50.9 million combined moderately and severely food insecure Filipinos making the Philippines the most food insecure country in Southeast Asia.

On World Food Day: Widespread hunger justifies more ayuda

October 16, 2021

Hunger and food insecurity are worsening amid the ongoing pandemic crisis. More ayuda has to be immediately given to millions of poor and vulnerable families to ensure that everyone has economic access to food.

We will green more backyards

October 16, 2021

From idle or sweat-and-blood-stained rural land
greened by united farmers’ hands
To urban Church grounds, factory belts,
mass housing patches, informal decks,
Add to the school plots, herb and vegetable walls,
rooftops and flowerbeds,
We are greening more backyards.

Severe food insecurity in Southeast Asia

October 18, 2020

“The Philippines should not have to be counted among the top countries with moderate to severe food insecurity and high levels of malnutrition as per the food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) had the government not abandoned and liberalized agriculture.” – Rosario Guzman, in The Role of Consumers in Agroecology forum