foreign policy

Hindipendence Day: The Matrix is Real

June 13, 2024

The US imperial machine’s grip on the Philippine neocolonial mind is far more subtle and sophisticated than simple puppetry though, and hence so much more powerful.

What Marcos Jr’s US trip was really for

October 5, 2022

The real success of Marcos Jr’s trip to the US was the rehabilitation of his family’s justifiably tarnished name and rebuilding foreign policy bridges that former Pres. Duterte burned. However, the trip did not really bring back anything beneficial for the people especially in terms of solving the country’s long-standing economic crisis.

IBON Executive Director on Marcos Jr’s speech to the 77th UN General Assembly

September 22, 2022

The gall to talk about ‘historical injustice’ and ‘inequalities and inequities’ is however exceptional

IBON joins groups to forward fighting demands to new admin

July 16, 2022

The People’s Agenda and demands are not merely suggestions. These will be at the heart of the people’s continuing fight for accountability and for a comprehensive plan for genuine change.

Our destructive foreign investment fetish

March 28, 2022

Is foreign direct investment the magic bullet for development that it is so often made out to be? Not really, if we look at the Philippine experience with unjaundiced eyes.


January 31, 2022

It’s long overdue to let go of the reckless abandonment of agriculture and the Philippine economy to market forces that the Philippines is ill-prepared to take advantage of. IBON calls on our senators to reject Philippine membership in RCEP.

Why do we keep on begging China for friendship?

April 21, 2020


In the face of the Filipino people’s growing anxieties about COVID-19 and life after the lockdown, president Duterte keeps heaping praises on China.