
Growing global economic distress as G7 meet ends

May 22, 2023

The global economy is being dragged down by fundamental forces that even the mighty US is still captive to. It may be the world’s dominant imperialist power but it is still merely monopoly capitalist and as such subject to the deeply-ingrained contradictions of capitalism.

The G7 summit: Will Hiroshima deliver the economic interests behind militarism?

May 19, 2023


What the G7 wants and the manner it exacts these are untenable and are only bound to hurt the majority of the world’s populations.

US military spending largest in the world

May 10, 2023

US military spending is larger than of the next ten countries combined — China, Russia, India, Saudia Arabia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, South Korea, Japan, and Ukraine. The military spending of just these 11 countries in turn is more than by the remaining 180 or so other countries in the rest of the world combined.