
What’s up, pork? (Part Two)

March 19, 2021

FEATURES – The Duterte government can do a lot of things to recover domestic hog production, consumer capacity and the national economy. But it has just opted to cater to private profits, foreign pressures and whims of public officials. And they have just been hogging everything to themselves, as they have done during the pandemic lockdown and beyond.

What’s up, pork? (Part One)

March 19, 2021

FEATURES – Again, the Duterte government is proposing importation without careful consideration. A year of unscientific and irrational responses – that has been more fatal than the plague itself.

Faster inflation underscores urgency of new cash subsidies — IBON

February 5, 2021


As prices continued to soar amid a collapsing economy as of January, there is immediate need for the Duterte administration to provide substantial aid to the poorest Filipino households.

Wage hike necessary, overdue amid pandemic and high prices

January 23, 2021

A substantial wage hike remains just and necessary even amid the pandemic economic shock. It is incumbent on the government to come up with schemes to enable a wage hike that increases incomes of low-income households and which will also stimulate aggregate demand in the economy. This can include mandating higher wages while giving wage subsidies to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)

Cash subsidies for poorest households urgent as inflation reaches 21-month high

January 5, 2021

In the face of soaring prices, joblessness and meager incomes, emergency cash subsidies for the poorest Filipinos and support for small businesses need to be increased substantially. Distribute Bayanihan 2 cash assistance immediately, and a new cash subsidy program to cover several millions of vulnerable citizens should be drawn up.

Higher inflation for poorest Filipinos underscores urgent need for continued cash subsidies

July 8, 2020


Higher inflation is problematic but particularly burdens the poorest Filipinos. Inflation rates for the 30% poorest households are higher than the national average. Especially amid historic joblessness, this affirms how the government should continue giving cash subsidies as income support, the group said.

Falling real wages, more expensive food

September 8, 2019

Inflation is lower but food remains expensive amid declining real wages for many Filipinos.

On the July 2019 inflation

August 7, 2019

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