living wage
IBON Executive Director on how Filipino workers deserve a wage hike
February 23, 2024
NCR minimum wage barely half of family living wage
May 18, 2022
NCR minimum wage increased but still falls short of living wage
Inflation makes NCR family living wage rise to Php1,087
May 5, 2022
The NCR minimum wage is falling even further behind the FLW and a meaningful increase is more urgent than ever for genuinely inclusive recovery.
IBON — Php238 NCR wage hike doable without worsening inflation
October 11, 2018
As the Metro Manila regional wage board deliberates a minimum wage hike for later this month, research group IBON said that a much-needed Php238 minimum wage increase is possible and need not be inflationary. Millions of Filipino workers including in the National Capital Region (NCR) are burdened by high prices of goods and services. The […]
TRAIN-driven rising cost of living makes wage hike urgent
July 9, 2018
Research group IBON said that tax-driven inflation is making the meager wages of poor Filipinos fall even further behind the rising cost of living. The group said this makes it even more urgent for the government to immediately raise wages even as it revisits the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law behind the […]
Time for govt to come up with realistic poverty threshold – IBON
June 8, 2018
Research group IBON said that it is about time for government to update its poverty threshold to reflect a more realistic poverty reduction target. This is in light of National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Secretary Ernesto Pernia’s recent statement that Php42,000 a month is “a decent income at least to live above the poverty […]
TRAIN worsens burden of inflation on poor – IBON
June 7, 2018
Almost 18 million Filipino families are already hard-pressed to survive on incomes below the family living wage of Php30,000 per month estimated by IBON Research group IBON said that higher prices as reflected in the accelerating May 2018 inflation bears heavily on the poor, and that the recently passed Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion […]
Amid price hikes: Minimum wage insufficient vs. rising family cost of living — IBON
April 20, 2018
The onslaught of price hikes since early this year has made the mandated minimum wage in the National Capital Region (NCR) even more inadequate for millions of Filipino workers to decently support their families, said research group IBON. IBON computations show that the NCR nominal minimum wage still falls considerably short of the rising family […]
Wage hikes under Aquino smallest since 1990s
May 1, 2016
Research group IBON said that unless the Aquino administration gives a wage hike before its term ends, it will have given the smallest wage hikes of any administration in the past 24 years. Wage repression is among the biggest reasons why recent rapid growth has been exclusionary and benefiting elites rather than the majority of […]