part-time work

1M unemployed youth, 2.4M hike in part-time workers belie vibrant labor market claim

September 9, 2024


The Marcos administration’s hyping recent jobs figures ignores the millions of Filipino workers who are struggling to find decent work.

Most jobs being created in the lowest paying sectors – IBON

August 9, 2023

The economy is still struggling to create decent work, pay and earnings

More jobs but part-time work swelled

May 15, 2023

3.3 million of the net employment increase of 6 million since January 2020 is part-time work of less than 40 hours a week, while only 2.5 million of the increased employment was full-time work of 40 hours and over per week.

Jobs created since pandemic mostly part-time, informal

October 19, 2022

Rampant job informality means many Filipinos have a hard time making ends meet as inflation keeps worsening.

The Duterte Legacy of Poor-Quality Work

February 16, 2022

The Duterte government claims strong employment creation signalling economic recovery. But with most jobs in merely part-time, low-paying and insecure work, Filipinos are really just making do and their lives aren’t better off.

Jobs crisis continues, informal work worsens

July 3, 2021

Latest labor force figures show that millions of Filipinos are still struggling to find work or turning more and more to informal jobs and self-employment to survive. Substantial ayuda is urgently needed and Congress should hold a special session to ensure the immediate allocation and distribution of funds for emergency aid.

Ayuda urgent as jobs crisis worsens from govt’s failed lockdowns, response

June 10, 2021

Latest labor force data confirm that the jobs situation is still much worse than before the pandemic. Government’s over-reliance on destructive lockdowns to contain the coronavirus is ineffective and only causes unnecessary economic distress for tens of millions of Filipinos. At the very least, immediately providing substantial ayuda grows more urgent by the day.

Over a million more underemployed, part-time workers under Duterte

May 1, 2018

The number of Filipino workers relegated to insecure and low-paying jobs have grown under the Duterte administration, said research group IBON. Latest official labor force data shows a higher number of employed under Pres. Duterte. The number of employed increased to 41.8 million in January 2018 from 39.3 million in the same period last year, […]