People Economics

The Long Game of Development

December 8, 2024

The current era remains fundamentally neoliberal in essence, agenda and practice – state power over the economy is still systematically wielded for the benefit of a few. In particular, the so-called market reforms that have made capitalist elites so prosperous remain in place.

Sr. Aquila A. Sy, PBVM: Educator for the People

August 25, 2024

Leading one of Negros Occidental’s largest private schools, Sr. Aquila pursued not only academic excellence but an education that advocates for people’s rights.

Php663 wage hike needed to reach Php1,207 average family living wage

May 4, 2024

A meaningful wage hike is urgent for nominal wages to keep up with the rising cost of living. Raising the minimum wage to a living wage corrects decades of injustice where workers create huge profits for employers but receive meager wages.

IBON Foundation statement for meeting with UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Climate Change, Mr. Ian Fry

November 7, 2023

There is an underlying resistance by the Marcos Jr administration to the fundamental changes in strategy and approach required to genuinely address the triple crisis faced by the Filipino people – environmental distress, chronic poverty and inequality, and economic underdevelopment.

Invisible poverty, trivial solutions

August 22, 2022

The most fundamental cause of poverty is in how the overwhelming majority of Filipinos only have low value-added and low productivity work. This is not for lack of individual effort or capacity but because of the structure of the economy distorted by neoliberal policies.

IBON joins groups to forward fighting demands to new admin

July 16, 2022

The People’s Agenda and demands are not merely suggestions. These will be at the heart of the people’s continuing fight for accountability and for a comprehensive plan for genuine change.

The People Economics Litmus Test: Economic Platforms For Whom?

February 8, 2022

As the presidential election campaign kicks off, what economic platforms do the candidates have to offer?

Green beginnings

September 1, 2021

As relocatees, struggling families, church groups and as disabled persons, these communities are determined to grow food in the backyard or in shared lots regardless of size. This will not only bring food to the table. In time and with due perseverance, selling and sharing of produce may be possible.

A People’s Green New Deal? A look at PH labor

June 15, 2021

Dr. Max Ajl’s book A People’s Green New Deal presents socialist proposals on addressing climate change that are indeed doable and inspiring. In Chapter 5, he leaves us analytical notes on labor, planning and construction for an eco-socialist future, and industry and manufacturing, among others. These get us thinking about our own context in order to contribute to the operationalization of a people’s Green New Deal.