Social Amelioration Program

There’s money for bigger Bayanihan 3: Economic managers just refusing to give more — IBON

May 26, 2021

There is more than enough money for bigger emergency aid and stimulus in Bayanihan 3 if only the economic managers prioritize ayuda.

Greater Manila ECQ/MECQ shallow without aggressive COVID response – IBON

May 5, 2021

Repeated quarantines to slow the spread of COVID-19 will be futile if it is not coupled with sufficient health and economic measures so that citizens can return to work safely, have more purchasing power, and spur economic activity.

Measly ECQ aid an afterthought — IBON

March 31, 2021

Poor and low-income families in NCR+ deserve not just Php1,000 but at least Php10,000 in emergency cash subsidies to be distributed immediately, or ten times more than being offered after a year of lockdowns.

Promised SAP zapped

August 18, 2020


Those that are no longer targeted by government to receive aid aren’t just numbers but actual families being left to wriggle out of the crisis on their own.

SAP exaggerated, millions left behind

July 28, 2020


It has been over 130 days since the start of COVID-19 lockdowns, yet government help for families most affected by the crisis remains snail-paced, measly, and even much less than promised.