We will green more backyards

October 16, 2021

by Xandra Liza C. Bisenio

 From sweat-and-blood-stained rural land 
 greened by united farmers’ hands
 To urban Church grounds, factory belts,
 mass housing patches, informal decks, 
 Add to the school plots, herb and vegetable walls, 
 rooftops and flowerbeds,
 We are greening more backyards.
 From sweat-and-blood-stained rural land 
 greened by united farmers’ hands
 To urban communities and collaborations 
 producing fruit to feed the nation
 Expand the produce 
 with more planters aboard,
 We are greening more backyards.
 From sweat-and-blood-stained rural land 
 greened by united farmers’ hands
 That bring food to tables, improve harvest, 
 strengthen communities, fight hunger
 To urban poor households coming together 
 to plant for healing, to survive this life better,
 We are greening more backyards.
 From sweat-and-blood-stained rural land
 greened by united farmers’ hands
 Cityfolk learn the science no less
 Sowing seeds, tending crops based on actual needs
 Collectively finding the courage to fight
 who will take all away in the dark of night
 Because we are greening more backyards.
 From sweat-and-blood-stained rural land
 Greened by united farmers’ hands
 The religious, families of factory workers, 
 Disabled persons, other urban dwellers,
 Gain knowledge, assert, struggle for the right to food
 And the right to produce for the common good 
 As we green more backyards.
 From sweat-and-blood-stained rural land
 Greened by united farmers’ hands
 Urban farms keep on evolving
 The people decide to address what needs solving
 Bureaucrats billionaires local and foreign
 Plunder resources and leave us with nothing
 So we need to green and defend more backyards.
 From sweat-and-blood-stained rural land
 Greened by united farmers’ hands
 More tillers arise determined to reclaim 
 More toilers stand up to join them
 More mothers, fathers, sons and daughters
 Pick up from many who have fallen 
 And pledge: We will green more backyards.
 Green and defend more backyards.