
Debt-driven growth an increasing burden–IBON

July 20, 2018

Nearing the third State of the Nation address, research group IBON said that debt-driven growth under the Duterte administration is not resulting in substantial improvements in the Philippine economy. According to the group, while ballooning debt accelerated government spending and pushed the 6.8% economic growth during the past year, the agriculture and industry sectors, which […]

Megadams: displacement looms

March 25, 2018

The Philippine government spearheaded Water Day 2018 celebrations themed “Nature for Water”. Water for the people advocates however note that the government’s big-ticket Build Build Build water and energy dams plans, aside from being unnecessary, could destroy lives and livelihoods. The New Centennial Water Source Kaliwa and Laiban Phases I and II and the Chico […]

PH telecoms: Towards greater foreign control (IBON Facts & Figures excerpt)

March 15, 2018

Government should play a central role in the telecoms industry through nationalization and reversal of privatization, deregulation, and liberalization of the sector. Basic principles may include but are not limited to ensuring telecoms services with affordable rates for the working people, including free Internet, and that serves the needs of national economic development; promoting public […]

2018 prosperity by Duterte policies not for all—IBON

January 2, 2018

Admin’s avid push for market-driven measures will run over the poor majority The new year seems to usher in more difficulties for Filipinos in accessing basic goods, public utilities, and services amid government’s exclusionary policies, research group IBON said. The market-driven policies that have been prioritized by the Duterte government such as the Tax Reform […]

Corporate Capture in Jeepney “Modernization”

October 17, 2017

By Glenis Balangue The Duterte administration has suspended classes on October 16-17, anticipating that the transport strike of jeepney drivers and operators to protest the phaseout of jeepneys may paralyze transportation nationwide. Yet, the government has been sweeping under the rug concerns not only of small drivers and operators but also of the riding public: […]

Will the poor benefit from paying higher taxes?

September 25, 2017

by Audrey de Jesus Among the hyped claims of the Department of Finance (DOF) about the government’s tax reform package is how taxes paid by the poor will go back to them in the form of infrastructure projects and social services. The reality however is that the taxes will go largely to big-ticket infrastructure projects […]