Majority of Filipinos unaware of cha-cha amid Congress rush to approve resolution

June 10, 2015

by superadmin

Asked if they were familiar with Cha-cha, 61.6% of 1,496 respondents answered no, while 37.9% said they are aware of the proposal

The House of Representatives is set to vote on a resolution to amend the 1987 Philippine Constitution but a nationwide survey says majority of Filipinos are unaware of this latest move for Charter change (Cha-cha).

The group’s latest survey shows that six out of ten Filipinos are not aware of the Resolution of Both Houses No. 1 (RBH 1) seeking to change key economic provisions in the Charter. Asked if they were familiar with Cha-cha, 61.6% of 1,496 respondents answered no, while 37.9% said they are aware of the proposal.

Notably, majority of those who are aware of the resolution oppose the Cha-cha. Asked if they were in favor of the resolution, 53.6% answered no.

The RBH 1 is proposing to insert the phrase “unless otherwise provided by law” to certain portions of the Constitution pertaining to restrictions on foreign ownership of key Philippine sectors such as land, education, small and medium enterprises, mass media and advertising. The Congress has approved the resolution on second reading last month and requires a 2/3 vote on the third final reading before it is brought to the Senate.

IBON’s latest survey was conducted on May 13-23 across various sectors nationwide with a margin of error of plus- or minus- 3 percent. The May survey round is a non-commissioned survey which used a multi-stage probability sampling method. (end)

Below is the tabulation of results of the respondents’ perception on Charter change.


Yes 37.9
No 61.6
No answer 0.5
Total 100.0


The Congress has filed a resolution to give itself the authority to amend specific economic provisions in the Constitution regarding foreign ownership in specific economic sectors. Are you in favor of this?



Yes 35.8
No 53.6
Don’t know 10.6
Total 100.0
