The scourge of price hikes
April 16, 2022
Prices keep rising, cash subsidies are limited, and real wages keep falling. The situation will not get better if the government does not acknowledge that the rampant jobs crisis and worsening poverty are huge problems that require big solutions.
Oil price rollback not enough for Filipinos to recover income losses
March 23, 2022
The Duterte administration’s belated move to raise cash aid to Php500 per month does little to help millions of poor and vulnerable Filipino households recover lost incomes and cope with rising prices.
Jobs crisis worsened by fuel price hikes and measly ayuda
March 18, 2022
The huge drop in the number of labor force participants and employed persons from December 2021 to January 2022 is concerning and underscores the country’s precarious jobs situation.
May magagawa!
March 18, 2022
Record debt not due to COVID-19 response
March 5, 2022
The Duterte administration did not change its priorities despite urgent pandemic needs and, if anything, only used COVID-19 response to cover up massive borrowings for continued debt servicing and infrastructure.
Scar-crossed Labors
January 17, 2022
We will likely hear claims of strong economic performance, early recovery, and returning to a path of rapid and inclusive growth. But labor force and poverty figures for 2021 already show how any claims like that will just be bluster or, worse, blind to the daily experience of millions of Filipinos.
IBON Executive Director on govt’s heightened alert levels and COVID strategy shift
January 12, 2022
IBON Executive Director on gov’t COVID strategy shift