
Jobless, sluggish growth persists contrary to gov’t hype — IBON
November 10, 2021
Economic managers shouldn’t celebrate too soon over seemingly positive third quarter growth as more and more Filipinos lose jobs and increasingly make do with informal work. Economic growth is also still slowing with many sectors years from recovery.

Job losses despite quarantine easing may be early sign of economic contraction – IBON
November 5, 2021
The Duterte administration should not be dismissive of the significant drop in employment and rise in unemployment in September 2021. These are signs that the economy is still floundering despite quarantine restrictions easing and vaccinations increasing.

Ayuda will ease burden of rising prices
October 12, 2021

Railroading 2022 national budget without ayuda confirms Duterte govt’s apathy
October 2, 2021
Important pandemic emergency aid programs implemented in 2020 were discontinued in 2021 and are also not in the proposed 2022 budget. The budget and social welfare departments should bat for this in the 2022 expenditure plan in Senate and bicameral deliberations

Worsening joblessness and informal work can be fixed with immediate ayuda, stimulus
September 30, 2021
Latest labor force data of high unemployment and increasing informal workers should be a wake-up call for government to immediately undertake stimulus measures.

Tax the billionaires
September 29, 2021

Billionaire tax can fund ayuda and health–IBON
September 27, 2021
The Duterte government’s insistence that it lacks funds for a bigger COVID-19 response does not hold water. Substantial revenues can be raised by taxing the country’s super-rich who can well afford to contribute much more to pandemic response and other needs.

Inessential infra isn’t more important than health, ayuda
September 16, 2021

No more COVID-19 ayuda, stingy increases in social assistance
September 12, 2021
How much ayuda is in the proposed 2022 budget? There’s just a Php2.7 billion increase in emergency assistance programs, and only an additional Php16.1 billion for other social assistance programs. In contrast, the infrastructure budget increases by Php106.7 billion.