corporate plantations
Large landholdings amid peasant landlessness
November 15, 2017
After a series of failed land reform programs, the large landholdings of the country’s big family names remain. These include plantations of coconut, sugar, banana, pineapple, palm oil, and mango orchards. Their monopoly control extends over the country’s natural resources through mining tenements, forest leases and management agreements, foreshore leases, special economic zones, and tourism […]
Lumad schools under attack in mineral-rich Mindanao
March 17, 2017
These Lumad schools, most of which are recognized by the Department of Education, have been under attack by State military and paramilitary troops known to secure big mining, logging, coal energy operations and corporate plantations. Thousands of teachers, students, and entire communities are victims of harassment, land grabbing, ransacking, encampment of public facilities, strafing, villification, […]
On Earth Day: IBON scores foreign chambers on anti-envi agenda for new admin
April 24, 2016
Research group IBON hit the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in the Philippines (JFC) for laying down its agenda for environmental destruction and plunder for the next administration. Votes have yet to be cast but foreign big business is already maneuvering to further interests in industries such as mining, agriculture and power. The JFC recently […]