
Climate action is alive and well in peoples’ struggles

November 17, 2021

Tokenistic and “greenwashed” programs that prioritize profit over people’s well-being and the sustainable use of the environment and resources can not ensure the protection of the people and the planet.

Initializing urban farming

October 23, 2021

IBON and the Asuncion Perez Memorial Center Inc. have been setting up urban farms in Metro Manila. These community gardens in the city are inspired by the rural Bungkalan.

We will green more backyards

October 16, 2021

From idle or sweat-and-blood-stained rural land
greened by united farmers’ hands
To urban Church grounds, factory belts,
mass housing patches, informal decks,
Add to the school plots, herb and vegetable walls,
rooftops and flowerbeds,
We are greening more backyards.

Who is afraid of degrowth?
A Global South economic perspective

October 12, 2021

Environmental scientists, economists, academics and social movements have been talking about “degrowth” as an approach in dealing with the climate crisis. The concept makes perfect sense, but it has provoked doubts and objections, even among well-meaning environmentalists.

Green beginnings

September 1, 2021

As relocatees, struggling families, church groups and as disabled persons, these communities are determined to grow food in the backyard or in shared lots regardless of size. This will not only bring food to the table. In time and with due perseverance, selling and sharing of produce may be possible.

A People’s Green New Deal? A look at PH labor

June 15, 2021

Dr. Max Ajl’s book A People’s Green New Deal presents socialist proposals on addressing climate change that are indeed doable and inspiring. In Chapter 5, he leaves us analytical notes on labor, planning and construction for an eco-socialist future, and industry and manufacturing, among others. These get us thinking about our own context in order to contribute to the operationalization of a people’s Green New Deal.

Gaining ground vs disaster vulnerability

January 3, 2021

No matter how bad things were last year, civic action kept our hopes high