Malampaya and oligarch control
June 9, 2022
Malampaya had great potential as a stable local source of oil and energy. But the Philippine government has no hand in expanding it, as it has no control over the supply and pricing of oil, which global giants and big local businesses dominate.
Oil tax hike insensitive and will make poor Filipinos suffer more
May 5, 2020
Raising taxes on imported oil products will push prices up and burden many poor households already struggling with jobs and income losses amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Govt will needed to enforce oil price unbundling – IBON
June 29, 2019
Research group IBON said that the Department of Energy (DOE) circular ordering oil companies to unbundle prices is a welcome and overdue measure for greater transparency to help prevent overpricing of oil products. However, the government must have the political will to implement this and the involvement of the public and consumer groups must be […]
TRAIN suspension, govt transparency and regulation needed to ease OPH burden
February 28, 2019
Research group IBON said that the third consecutive and big-time oil price hike only makes it more urgent for the Duterte administration to stop the oil excise taxes of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN). This will lessen the impact of rising oil prices on the poorest families. The group also said that […]
Oil Price Hikes More Often, Unjust Under Deregulation
February 1, 2019
Oil Deregulation Begets Overpricing; TRAIN Aggravates It
January 16, 2019
Dubai crude trigger price to suspend TRAIN oil taxes already reached, IBON observed
October 4, 2018
The government is already obliged to start considering suspension of its oil excise taxes as provided for under the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law, said research group IBON. The group said that oil prices have in effect already reached the trigger price for suspending excise taxes as provided in Republic Act 10963 or […]
Poor and middle class burdened most by TRAIN’s oil taxes
October 3, 2018
The higher oil excise taxes of the Duterte administration’s Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) is a greater burden on the poor and middle class than the rich, said research group IBON. The poor and middle class, even those few with gains from personal income tax cuts, will suffer cuts in their standard of […]
January inflation partially due to TRAIN—IBON
March 2, 2018
No cash transfers to cover January inflation, with prices going even higher in the months and years to come The Department of Finance (DOF) said that January inflation was not caused by the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law. Research group IBON however points out that the new tax program definitely contributed to […]