wage hike
Growing clamor for wage hike echoes urgency, justness and doability — IBON
March 31, 2023
Recently proposed legislation and petitions for a wage hike affirm that this is urgent, just and doable. Amid the poor jobs situation, low incomes and high prices, the minimum wage has not been enough for many Filipino families to live decently.
“Wage hikes are harmful”: Kung ayaw maraming dahilan
March 6, 2023
It’s perplexing for the economic team to speak about workers and their wages as if they are a burden to the economy. It’s people who most of all create value in the economy and for whom the economy is for.
Worker wages not keeping up with their productivity
March 4, 2023
Filipinos didn’t feel growth because of ayuda cuts and stingy wage hikes – IBON
January 27, 2023
Millions of ordinary Filipinos did not benefit from supposedly rapid 2022 growth because the government tightened the purse strings on urgent cash assistance and only gave a negligible wage hike last year.
The Family Living Wage as of November 2022
December 6, 2022
Gov’t growth hype hides worsening situation of ordinary Filipinos — IBON
November 23, 2022
The finance secretary’s recent trumpeting of rapid growth is hype, and in reality the economy and the conditions of ordinary Filipinos have barely even returned to pre-pandemic levels.
Real wages fall as inflation spikes
June 9, 2022
Higher May inflation pushed the real value of wages to even lower levels and is making basic food and transport services even more unaffordable. Inflation far outpaces the outgoing Duterte administration’s wage hikes and wage earners are worse off now than six years ago.
NCR minimum wage barely half of family living wage
May 18, 2022
NCR minimum wage increased but still falls short of living wage
Inflation makes NCR family living wage rise to Php1,087
May 5, 2022
The NCR minimum wage is falling even further behind the FLW and a meaningful increase is more urgent than ever for genuinely inclusive recovery.