wage hike

Filipinos didn’t feel growth because of ayuda cuts and stingy wage hikes – IBON

January 27, 2023

Millions of ordinary Filipinos did not benefit from supposedly rapid 2022 growth because the government tightened the purse strings on urgent cash assistance and only gave a negligible wage hike last year.

Gov’t growth hype hides worsening situation of ordinary Filipinos — IBON

November 23, 2022

The finance secretary’s recent trumpeting of rapid growth is hype, and in reality the economy and the conditions of ordinary Filipinos have barely even returned to pre-pandemic levels.

Real wages fall as inflation spikes

June 9, 2022

Higher May inflation pushed the real value of wages to even lower levels and is making basic food and transport services even more unaffordable. Inflation far outpaces the outgoing Duterte administration’s wage hikes and wage earners are worse off now than six years ago.

NCR minimum wage barely half of family living wage

May 18, 2022

NCR minimum wage increased but still falls short of living wage

Inflation makes NCR family living wage rise to Php1,087

May 5, 2022

The NCR minimum wage is falling even further behind the FLW and a meaningful increase is more urgent than ever for genuinely inclusive recovery.

Under Duterte: least and lowest wage hikes in 36 years

May 1, 2022

Substantial wage increase should be among the priorities of the next administration.

The scourge of price hikes

April 16, 2022

Prices keep rising, cash subsidies are limited, and real wages keep falling. The situation will not get better if the government does not acknowledge that the rampant jobs crisis and worsening poverty are huge problems that require big solutions.

Wage hike possible with transparency, gov’t support

April 9, 2022

If employers are transparent about their revenues and net incomes this will likely show that large corporations and even many medium enterprises can hike wages with only a small cut on their profits. Government can meanwhile provide wage subsidies and other forms of support to MSMEs who cannot yet afford this.