Falling wages, more expensive food (August 2023)
September 5, 2023
Prices have increased in August and are still going up. With no proper regulation, insufficient or no direct support for small producers and no corresponding improvement in consumers’ purchasing power, things may be worse in September.
NCR family living wage as of July 2023
August 8, 2023
The National Capital Region family living wage (FLW) as of July 2023 is Php1,164 per day or Php25,327 per month. Despite the recent wage hike effective mid-July, the NCR nominal wage of Php610 is 47.7% short of the regional FLW.
Over 1M rise in part-time workers belies admin’s ‘favorable’ labor market claims—IBON
July 8, 2023
Despite months of government playing up so-called reforms to ensure high-quality job generation, more and more Filipinos are struggling to earn whatever they can just to get by.
NCR and regional nominal wages vs family living wage, as of June 2023
July 7, 2023
The NCR and regional nominal wages fall short of the regional family living wage estimates. The BARMM still has the widest gap between the regional minimum wage (Php341) and the regional family living wage (Php1949).
PH inflation highest in region; purchasing power not keeping up—IBON
July 6, 2023
The Philippines has the highest inflation in Southeast Asia and Filipinos’ purchasing power is not keeping up.
Marcos Jr Administration Year One
July 4, 2023
The Marcos Jr government projected its first year as being full of sunshine. But this has failed to conceal the administration’s inaction and incapability to genuinely serve and keep its promises to the Filipino people.
Marcos Jr’s first year passes without a wage hike, while NCR hike in July still paltry — IBON
July 3, 2023
The Marcos Jr administration cannot tout the NCR wage hike as an additional accomplishment to report on its first year. The new NCR wage is still so much lower than demanded by workers, than the FLW for a more decent standard of living, and even less than the increase in worker productivity, and the plight of millions more low-income self-employed and other informal sector workers and unemployed Filipinos remains unaddressed.
IBON Poverty Wages Feature
June 25, 2023
Filipino workers and their families are barely surviving on the minimum wage because this is even less than the rather low-standard official poverty threshold for a family of five. In other words, Philippine minimum wages are family poverty wages.
NCR family living wage as of May 2023
June 21, 2023
A minimum wage hike is just, urgent and doable as the current mandated minimum wage is not enough for Filipino workers and their families to meet their basic needs. In the NCR, the Php570 daily minimum wage is less than half or 49.1% of the Php1,160 family living wage for a family of five, as […]