rice liberalization

PH Rice Industry Under Liberalization
June 7, 2024

Beyond rice price populism
September 5, 2023
The standalone rice price caps will not just be ultimately ineffective but might even backfire

Rice farmers’ income per hectare declined by 40.3%
February 14, 2023
Rice liberalization is being hyped for taming rice inflation. But this is doing no favors for producers and consumers alike, especially with the government’s lack of interest in supporting local production in the long run.

PH rice industry under liberalization
February 14, 2023
Enacted four years ago, the government promised that RA11203 or the Rice Liberalization Law would improve farmers’ productivity and food security. But rice import dependency and trade deficit worsened, while rice self-sufficiency and farm gate prices fell, to the detriment of Filipino farmers.

Rice tariffication led to lost incomes
May 30, 2022
In 2020, rice farmers’ net income per hectare decreased by 30.7% in the dry season, by 37.5% in the wet season, and by 35% on the average as compared to figures in 2018. This translated to substantially lower profitability ratio for the farmers.

Our destructive foreign investment fetish
March 28, 2022
Is foreign direct investment the magic bullet for development that it is so often made out to be? Not really, if we look at the Philippine experience with unjaundiced eyes.

Farmers lose Php85 billion during first year: Peasant livelihoods destroyed, food insecurity worsened by rice liberalization
February 14, 2020
Rice liberalization has undermined the livelihoods of millions of farmers and most likely even pushed many into bankruptcy. It will only worsen the country’s food insecurity as already seen with record high rice imports.

Update on the PH rice industry
November 6, 2019
September 11, 2019